Saturday, December 15, 2012

A response to "The rules of fan fiction"

I'm not even going to bother to try and add a link to the original blogpost. It's not worth the effort.  The Twitter peeps know exactly what this is about.  And in case you're wondering - yes, I signed this.  I don’t hide behind anonymity. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Unless you’re the turkey.

Double infinity and beyond

Propped up against the headboard with her legs stretched out, Sarah balanced her laptop on her thighs, browsing the newspaper without really taking in the headlines.  Sunday nights were usually reserved for going over her calendar and meeting agendas for the week ahead, but all her appointments had been moved to the new year in favor of negotiating the sale agreement for the Buy More – she never imagined winding up a company required so many meetings.  She’d considered going over the clauses they’d negotiated thus far, but after she’d booked tickets for The Nutcracker online, she wasn’t really in the mood to.  Keeping an eye on the clock, she wondered if Chuck was done giving Maggie her bath yet.  He’d promised to call her to say goodnight to Maggie, but he’d seemed preoccupied since their return from the ranch and she was worried that he might forget. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

He said, she said

A quick experiment - which one of the two scenes below do you prefer?  I would insert a poll, but I'm the reason there's no longer a Cover Life page on this blog.  I have no idea what happened there.
Oh, and thanks for playing :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Two years, and counting

Today marks two years since I’ve posted the first chapter of my first Chuck fic.  I've learned a lot since then, reading the greats like Frea O’Scanlin, ninjaVanish and quistie64, to name only a few.  And I owe a lot to Nervert, the other “man” in my life (sorry, buddy, couldn’t resist), for all his patience and encouragement and the amazing job he’s doing as a beta – trust me, if you could see the ‘before’ and ‘after’ drafts, you’ll understand.  You’re an amazing friend and I hope I get to go to Seattle someday and actually meet you in person.  I also have the privilege to work with mxpw on some of my stories and everything you’ve heard about him is true – he puts the awe in awesome.  Now if we can only get him to free Bryce Larkin…  Of course no learning experience is complete without feedback, so thank you to each and every reader who has taken the time to leave a review or send me a PM or a tweet.  Your support means the world.
So now two years have passed, but it’s not the end.  I know updates have been slow lately, but I have every intention of finishing Cover Life, A Common Spy Problem, Inconvenient Truths and For All That We Are.  Speaking of Cover Life, I unfortunately don’t have a chapter ready for posting today, so I bring you another outtake.  And as a bonus, the scene I’ve finally decided on.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's A Wonderful Cover Life - Outtake

If you follow me on Twitter, you probably know that it took 19 tries before I finally liked the next scene of Cover Life (and came up with one that didn't bring the story to a staggering halt).  This is not that scene.  But I've figured that the story's been gone a while, due to various reasons, so I'll give you a lil' somethin' somethin'.  Plus Nervert liked it and the poor guy has been beta'ing so much stuff that fell victim to the delete button in the end, so this is for you, buddy.  Mistakes are mine - I can't remember anymore what I've fiddled with.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A down payment

Chapter 5
Chuck stared at the alarm clock, watching the minutes tick by.  Finally it clicked over to seven thirty and on cue Huey Lewis started blaring through the speaker.  He listened to two lines of “Hip to be Square” before hitting the button and letting the room fall silent.
Happy birthday to me, he thought. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

For mxpw (again) - because I promised

A short little something written for the awesome Maximus.  Unfortunately I didn’t have time to have this beta’d, so please skip over any errors.  Warning: mature content.